Who knew that someday I'd consider a 4:30 am wake-up to be "sleeping in"? Man, we were so spoiled with Dashiell early on. He was a sleep-through-the-night baby from the time he was about a month old. Then it all changed! He started going to bed earlier, which--despite what some sleep authorities claim ("sleep begets sleep" - HA!)--meant that he'd wake up earlier. At first it was a 5 am wake-up, then 4 am, then last week it was 3 am (there was even a 1 am wakeup on Monday--sheesh!)!! Granted he goes back to sleep after he eats but still, I'd gotten used to the old schedule, and I miss it. Today he slept until 4:30 am and I seriously thought to myself "good, he slept in". What?! That's sleeping in now?
I know his sleep schedule will work itself out again--it seems like many babies between 4 and 6 months old go through crummy sleeping cycles. Until then I just have to get used to being sleepy, I guess!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Puppet fun!
On the advice of a fellow blogger I went out and got a puppet for Dashiell yesterday. OMG I didn't expect him to dig it as much as he did! He was totally cracking up whenever he saw it! Usually to get a good laugh out of him we have to physically tickle him in some way, but for some reason he finds his little fire chief puppet to be just as funny as any tickle could be.
Unfortunately Target only had a fire chief and a police officer puppet available--I was hoping for a paramedic. Ah well, we'll get some other paramedic-based toy later on, I'm sure...
Here's yet another crummy-looking video from my phone that I took while we were playing with his new puppet yesterday. Note to any group of people trying to think of a good present for Rick or me in the near future: a real video camera would be sweet. ;-)
Unfortunately Target only had a fire chief and a police officer puppet available--I was hoping for a paramedic. Ah well, we'll get some other paramedic-based toy later on, I'm sure...
Here's yet another crummy-looking video from my phone that I took while we were playing with his new puppet yesterday. Note to any group of people trying to think of a good present for Rick or me in the near future: a real video camera would be sweet. ;-)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Another poor-quality video!
It's been a while since I've posted, yet I don't really have any updates on our boy to share. He's still a very smiley kid with lots of energy and lots to say (someday I'll get a baby translator so I can figure out what he's saying...). Feeding him solids is going well--we're still on the rice cereal and he seems to like it, which is good. Since he's so young still I'm not sure when we should introduce other food but since he's happy with the cereal I'm not too concerned about moving on.
Here's another video taken on my phone this week--I had just fed him and was about to eat my own lunch when he started making motor boat sounds. He's a cutie!
Here's another video taken on my phone this week--I had just fed him and was about to eat my own lunch when he started making motor boat sounds. He's a cutie!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Yum yum!!

Sleeping in the crib was admittedly long overdue! Our excuse up to this point was

Sigh. Too soon we'll be sending him off to college... ;-)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Our big little noodle!

The appointment went well, despite the

Today's pictures are of Dash and Rick both sitting cross-legged on the floor--if Rick would have just stuck his hand in his mouth they would have looked nearly identical! The other is of Dashiell in the Bumbo seat we borrowed from a friend. I just liked his expression and the funky thing he's doing with his arms. Heh heh--funny kid!
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