Quick post--here's a little video of Dashiell attempting to sit by himself! I'm the headless body in the background providing support. :-) This is from our new camera so I hope it works!! He's actually gotten much better at it in the past couple of days but this is the only video we have so far. Enjoy!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
2 steps back

I posted a picture of Dashiell and his second cousin Kayla spending some quality time at the mall on Monday. Kayla's mom (Jen) assures me that K had a blast though from the looks of it all that bumming around wore both our kids out!
We went apple picking this past Sunday at Smolak Farms in North Andover, which was fun (sorry no pictures--we forgot to bring our camera). My later attempt at making pureed apple sauce for Dashiell was met with the same reaction the green beans got (a very sad, disappointed face followed by a full-body shutter). I thought for sure he'd like apple sauce but maybe the apple I used was too tart or something. We'll try the store-bought apple sauce and see if he likes that any better.And in exciting developmental news, Dashiell sort of sat up by himself last night! We were playing on the living room floor and I sat him in front of me and let go of his arms to see what would happen, and he sat there for a good 30 seconds before he lost balance! He was sitting against my leg so I think that gave him the confidence to sit up--I tried to get him to sit without touching me and it didn't work so well. I'll try to get a picture (or video from our new video camera!) of this accomplishment to post soon.
Hope you're all doing well!
Friday, September 19, 2008
So unfair...

Actually I can't complain much--In general Dashiell's sleeping is getting much better. He was waking up at least once a night, usually around 4 am, babbling to himself. We were getting up with him and feeding him then, but realized that usually (besides this morning) he wasn't unhappy when he woke up. So last weekend we tried coaxing him back to sleep during the early morning hours with a quick belly rub and a pacifier. It worked! For about 5 mornings we were able to get him back to sleep easily--I can't tell you how much more rested I've been feeling! I'm hoping the 5 am unhappiness this morning was just a fluke.
His napping is better, too--he's not on a set schedule yet, but he pretty consistently takes a short nap (45 min - 1 hr) in the morning, a long nap (2-hour) around noon, and another short nap in the late afternoon. If we could somehow convince him to just take 2 long naps that would be ideal but at this point we'll take what we can get! He's been much less prone to crankiness the past couple of weeks since he started napping more. Not that he ever gets overly cranky but we're so used to the smiley, happy kid that he is that it's just so apparent when he's overtired!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ham it up!
No this post isn't about feeding Dashiell salty pork products! We had uncle David take some head shots of Dash last week and he just sent me the link. Had to share since they're so dang awesome! I love having a professional photographer in the family!
Next stop: Baby Gap ads?
Next stop: Baby Gap ads?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Blech! Green beans!
Well, our first attempt at veggies was a bust. We tried to give Dash some "yummy" green beans on Sunday and man did he not like those at all! Actually shuddered and gagged. I think it might have been a combination of taste and texture--the GB's are a little thicker than the rice cereal, and definitely not as sweet. Unfortunately we didn't get a picture of the attempt--his expression was priceless. He was so disappointed that this food wasn't as tasty as the cereal!
Thinking we might have to try the green beans again at a later date, after he gets used to other veggies. Maybe we need to try out sweet potatoes next...
Thinking we might have to try the green beans again at a later date, after he gets used to other veggies. Maybe we need to try out sweet potatoes next...
Friday, September 5, 2008
We're not bad parents, really!
Whew...think we just dodged a bullet there! :-)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Comments on a 5-month-old
I thought I'd include a couple of the pictures Aunt Lisa orchestrated from this weekend. I
think she wanted to make him look all white-trashy. I've been assured that Dashiell did not actually drink anything from Lisa's glass, which I can safely believe since Dash didn't nap any better than usually (that is to say, hardly at all) that day. The cleavage shot just proves that Dashiell is all man. Guess he knows what he likes!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Dashiell's big day!
Here are just a few photos from the baptism, the post-baptism bbq (baby Owen, being held by his dad Chris, was born a day before
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