Dashiell and I have been having so much fun going to story time at the Chelmsford library on Wednesdays. We sing songs and nursery rhymes, the librarian reads a gigantic book (who knew "Goodnight Moon" came in a version that's 3 feet high?), there are bubbles, and most importantly, there are OTHER MOMS!!! So I'm finally meeting other moms whose kids are the same age as Dashiell, which is great! I was a little leery the first day when there seemed to be a "mom clique" forming, but since then it's been much better. Thank heavens! And Dash gets other babies to "play" with (play meaning mostly grabbing or poking at). He seems to enjoy it. :-) So glad we found story time!

I think I promised to post pictures from our Cape vacation, so here are a couple. I love the picture of Rick and Dashiell--my two favorite men! All the pictures of Dash and I are a little funny, but this one's ok. We were using our new "Ergo" baby carrier, which worked fine but it isn't quite as fabulous as I'd heard. It's supposed to be all ergonomically correct and comfy for both Dashiell and I, but I can't imagine wearing Dash in it for much more than 30 minutes, despite what the "Ergo" enthusiasts claim.

Maybe if I try the hip or back positions, but as a front carrier it isn't super comfortable. Ah well, live and learn.
His overnight visit at the grandparents' house last weekend went very well, too. I've been told he will be invited over again. :-)
Have a great weekend!