I couldn't think of a good theme for this post, but I do have pictures from the last week to share so I'm posting anyway!
We had a fun 4th of July! Dashiell and I made red, white and blue strawberries for the annual 4th of July/cousin Nicholas's birthday party at Auntie Sue's house. They were not only fun to make but tasty too! Dashiell was clearly excited about them!
He did a great job with the dipping!
After the party Aurelia and I headed home while D stayed to watch the fireworks with his grandparents, followed by a sleepover at their house! Fun for all! And can I just mention how much easier it was to get ready for work the next morning with only one kid to take care of? How quickly you forget!
A couple of days later Dash and Aurelia spent the day with Nana and Grandpa while I worked, and they clearly wore D out!
He fell asleep in the car on the way home, so I carried him into the kitchen. He woke up for about 3 seconds, long enough to say "no thank you" when I asked him to come upstairs and get ready for bed. Then he passed out on the kitchen floor. And thankfully he did, since it took about an hour to convince Aurelia to go to sleep. I was able to carry him upstairs without waking him, which was good though worrisome since he hadn't gone to the bathroom since about 3 pm that afternoon. But my camel - I mean
son - was fine until about 4 am when he woke up, did his business, and went promptly back to sleep. Amazing!
The next day was Ms. Aurelia's 6 month birthday (covered in my previous post). Here's our cute little half-year-old!
Look at that! Almost sitting up all on her own!
Yesterday was Dashiell's last day of swim lessons - they were only for 3 weeks, but man did those 3 weeks fly by! He had a great time and while he still has work to do on some of his skills, he's much more confident in the water and definitely wants to swim more! Last year he wanted little to do with swimming, so this is a big step for him.
The pool we went to was really cool - outdoors, with slides and a mushroom fountain (which wasn't in operation during the lessons, but would start up as as soon as his lesson was over).
Apologies to the others in the pictures with him - it was impossible to get a photo of just him in the pool.
And lastly, we've been introducing Aurelia to the world of eating solid food! So far she's been completely uninterested in rice cereal (and who can blame her?), but loves oatmeal and is even pretty excited about multigrain cereal. Next we're moving on to veggies and fruits! Fun! She's also been working on her sippy cup skills, and considering that she's only used it a handful of times is doing pretty well! Dashiell decided to give her a hand this morning to make sure she was getting enough water.
Such a helpful brother!