Friday, March 15, 2013

Kindergarten?? Already???

Well, not quite already, but soon!  We just registered Dashiell for kindergarten in the fall this past week.  What. The. Heck.  It just seems too soon, though logically I know that Dashiell is developmentally ready for it.  The fact that he will be gone from home all day?  Weird.  So weird.  Thankfully I'll have Ms. Aurelia around to keep me company, or I might have to try to get actual things done around the house.  And heaven knows we wouldn't want that! 

Dashiell brushing up on the finer points of cow digestion
Aurelia "helping" in the refrigerator - see why I can't get anything done?

I won't lie.  A big part of me is excited for the small amount of freedom of movement this will provide (hauling around one kid is sooo much easier than hauling around two kids!).  And I'm definitely excited for him - once he gets there and meets all the other kids and his new teacher, he will LOVE LOVE LOVE kindergarten (though he is currently feeling a bit leery of the idea).  But, yeah, I'll also be a bit sad that first day.  Especially if he rides the bus.  The thought of my little guy riding a bus with all the big kids to a new school gets me totally teary-eyed.  And I seriously need to do a better job of hiding that from him!  The other day I told him about kindergarten registration and mentioned the EXCITING possibility of riding a big yellow school bus, and he flat out told me that he'd prefer it if I drove him to school.  I told him it would all depend on which school he is assigned to - we had to pick our "top 3" schools at registration, and we'll find our where he's going in a couple of months.  There is a possibility that he would be going to a school that is so close to our house we wouldn't be eligible for the bus, otherwise it's the bus all the way!

Other than kindy registration not a whole lot has been going on here!  We went back to the Butterfly Place a couple of weeks ago, and this time Aurelia came with us.  I'm not sure how she felt about it - I think she would have liked it a whole lot better if she could have run around stomping in all the plants.  But alas, that would also mean stomping on all the butterflies and that would be tragic.

Daddy and kids taking a little rest

Check out the cute belly on that girl!  

I told D to say "Butterfly!" when I took the picture - I think he was in the midst of the "-fly". :)

We are definitely ready for winter to be over now, but since it's not we did try to go out and have some snowy fun last weekend.  Big snow followed by warm weather means it was perfect sledding weather! Though sometimes the sled goes down without you.

We figured out that the better place to sled was on the already-established trail shortly after this was taken.  I think D really wanted to be the one to make the sled track, but the faster hill is the one that is well-worn!

I'm hoping the sound works on that video on other people's computers - currently I can't hear anything on it.  Not that there's much to hear, but it's just weird to watch a video that has absolutely no sound!

General snowy fun was had as well:

King of the mountain!

This snow tastes just about perfect!

A mere 4 days later and most of the snow was gone! 
Sunny and 50 degrees!  Beautiful weather for playing on the slide instead of the sled!

I originally took this picture as an indication of the lovely weather, but honestly it's a better illustration of how seriously long Aurelia's hair has gotten!  I forgot to put it back up in a pig tail after her nap and the poor girl can barely see!

One last Aurelia note (see, now that I'm only blogging once or twice a month I have to fit everything in one post!) - she is still trying sooo hard to talk, and it just keeps on getting cuter!  She now says "thank you" every time you hand her something - of course it sounds more like "dit-doo" than thank you, but you can tell that's what she means!  And when she says her brother's name she's started to add an "s" to the end - "Dahs" (not quite "Dash" but close!).  She's still not consistent enough with her ma-ma sounds to make me believe she's talking about me, but I'm sure that will come soon enough.

Next post:  Spring?  Hopefully??