We continue to work on the nursery. The paint stripping is coming along nicely, and I finally organized all my scrap glass so it's ready to be picked up by a volunteer for Artists for Humanity any time they want to swing by. What's left in the nursery (a desk, my drafting table, and 2 small bookshelves) will be moved to the sun room as soon as we give the floor in there a good scrubbing.
We finally have our next ultrasound on Thursday! Very excited to see the baby again. I really hope we get some good pictures from this one, however I have a feeling this kid will be wiggling too much to get a good shot of him. Ah well, he'll have all of his life to become more photogenic. :-) I'll let you all know how it goes afterwards.
FYI, I finally decided to make the blog public since a number of people had problems with the private log in process. So now that's it's easy for all to read, feel free to pass on the link to anyone you think would be interested in reading it.
That's it for now! Have a good week--
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