To those of you who hoped to get a birth announcement in the mail from us and have been sorely disappointed about not getting something to put up on your fridge, FINALLY we're sending them! Of course they're no longer announcements since y'all already know about Dashiell, but they're good pictures nonetheless. We went with pix from the photo shoot Dashiell had a couple of weeks ago with uncle David (including the picture currently at the top of the sidebar). They should be going out in the mail this week, so if you don't receive one by the end of next week it means I don't have your address. Feel free to email me your contact info if you're feeling sad about your lack of Dashiell pictures and I'll see what I can do... :-)
Can I just gush a bit about how good of a baby Dash is? That fussy period I wrote about a couple of months ago really only lasted about 2 weeks, maybe less. After that I think we got much better at soothing him and figuring out what was making him upset. Now when he cries it usually means he is either hungry or tired, which is completely understandable and easy to remedy. Sure, he was inconsolable at cousin Nick's graduation party but that was mostly because we had him out and about all weekend and he was overstimulated. We learned our lesson: too much activity + not enough naps = cranky baby. But most of the time he's a happy kid, and he gets more and more fun to be around every day. And so far he doesn't mind being held by other people (knock on wood) and he's pretty easy going. Let's hope he stays that way!
Sorry no pictures this post but I'm not on my own computer so I don't have any photos handy. Next time, I promise!
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