Friday, January 9, 2009

He oughta be in pictures...

Well damn. On a lark I've sent Dashiell's picture to a couple of local modeling agencies because like all mom's I think my baby is possibly the most beautiful child EVER and I thought "what the heck, might as well see if we can generate a little coin from this kid!" (for his college fund--hey MIT is expensive!). So I went with 2 agencies, the Boston Agency and Cameo Kids. The Boston Agency was pretty laid back, asked for a couple of shots and said they'd get back to me if they had anything. About a week or so after that we were sent an actual contract from Cameo. It seemed like they were more organized and had a bigger client base, so after sitting on the contract for over a month I decided to send it back. That was on Tuesday. Yesterday (as in 2 days after I sent in the contract for Cameo) the Boston agency calls to let me know there's a casting call coming up next week and they want Dashiell to be there! So I just had to call the rep back and let her know about our other contract. I guess she had sent his picture out to a number of clients recently, too. And I'm pretty sure the casting call next week is for Hasbro. Hasbro! As in, not some rinky-dink local company but Hasbro! Dang it! So needless to say, the Boston agency can no longer represent our boy, and we won't be seeing ads of Dashiell playing with Star Wars toys or chewing on a Monopoly board anytime soon. Sigh. Ah well--I went into this knowing that there was a good possibility that nothing would come of it. And at least I have the satisfaction of knowing that someone who sees beautiful kids all the time thinks Dashiell can compete! Um, not that that matters, of course...

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