I just can't believe Dashiell is going to be one year old in a month! ONE MONTH!!! How is that possible?? My little guy is growing up way too fast! :-) What I totally love about him getting older is that it seems like he's more and more fun every day. Yesterday he was helping me fold sheets (as in, I was folding them and he was unfolding them for me) and he just started laughing when I pulled out one of the big sheets to fold, anticipating a game of peek-a-boo. Which of course meant taking a break from folding and tossing the sheet on Dashiell, then on me, then back on Dashiell. Who knew that having a kid is a big excuse to put off housework so you can play instead? What a great deal! And he really is trying to be more helpful now. We were sitting on the kitchen floor eating yogurt nibbles and he took one out of my hand and fed it to me. Which was kind of gross but sweet, regardless. Now I just need to convince him to vacuum the living room or empty his diaper pail, something useful like that.

I've been slowly getting organized for Dashiell's bday party--and no, we haven't sent out the evite yet so don't think you aren't invited! That should be going out this weekend, and we're inviting pretty much everyone so if you don't get the evite by the middle of next week shoot me an email (I've definitely got a bit of mommy brain so I do forget things/people/events/etc). We're doing an "under the sea" theme, and will hopefully have our aquarium set up again by then! In that spirit, I attempted to make a "fish bowl" cake this weekend. Since this is my first attempt at decorating a cake, I'd say it wasn't *too* bad. Not yet worthy of a birthday party but it was a learning experience. The first thing I learned was to pay attention to the lines of the board that's holding the cake! The second is that I should make it an aquarium (9x13 cake) instead of a fishbowl, which would give me more room to work. I used Goldfish graham crackers and mini Swedish fish for the fishies, crushed graham crackers for the sand/rocks, and gummy worms for the plant life. Gotta figure out how to get the crushed graham crackers on in a less messy fashion, and while the gummy worms kind of worked, I might try something else for plant life. And even though I love the Swedish fish for being so bright, I think I might go with a couple different Goldfish varieties instead. I bought some "happy 1st birthday" candles so I don't have to try to write anything, but I did buy some cake decorating/frosting tips so I can try a little embellishment on the sides or something. I think I might make another test cake this weekend. So much for losing those last 5 lbs of baby weight before Dashiell's first birthday!
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