Monday, June 22, 2009

A day late

Happy Belated Father's Day! We all had a great day--Rick got to sleep in, we made blueberry pancakes, and we had dinner at the grandparents' house. Fun! We took a picture for grandpa Weber of Dashiell wishing him a happy father's day yesterday and it turned out so cute that I feel the need to share it! We made a print for grandpa Hanson too but he hasn't seen it yet--the Walgreen's "one hour" photo near our house took about six hours to process our order. Hmmph. It should be noted that grandpa Weber, in Bemidji MN, was able to pick up his photo order about 30 minutes after I placed it, so he received his greeting on time.

It's been a busy few weeks--a good portion of my family came out to visit us last weekend which was so much fun! I'm so glad they were able to make it out here and got to see Dashiell--they hadn't seen him since Christmas, which was about a million years ago in baby time. Seriously, he just started crawling at Christmas, now he RUNS (and just started walking backwards, which is too funny). And makes lots of noises like he's going to talk. Stuff he was no where near doing at Christmas. Plus he's grown like nobody's business in that time. I'm glad the next time we see them won't be so far off--we have plans to travel to Minnesota in about 2 months. But who knows what Dashiell will be doing then!
Grandma Weber, Aunt Lisa, and Dash at Breakfast

1 comment:

Lori/RachelsMommy said...

Oh, Suzi...your little guy is so handsome! I hope I got this right...did you just leave a message on my blog about Rachel walking? If so, thank you! She is so proud of herself. Dash is just a couple of weeks younger than her and if I remember correctly and he started early! So cute:)...just wanted to tell you that after seeing your video of Dash finding the "Pajama Time" book while you were reciting it...I bought it! I was always reading "Goodnight, Moon" and had never seen this one. LOVE Pajama Time:) glad I check your blog each week...