Since the last 2 posts have been picture-free, I thought I'd make a quick entry with a couple of pictures Rick took of Dashiell at the little park near our house. We call it the "water tower" park--it's a small, fenced in park with a couple of swings, an airplane rocker, a little play structure that has a steering wheel and some gears that kids can play with, some big rocks to climb, and, what makes it kind of strange, a path leading up to and around a huge, bulbous water tower. Dashiell loves it, and will usually point to the tower when we're about a block away from it or anytime we drive past it in the car. Here he is climbing around the big rock:

And here he's riding on the airplane (which he's a little lukewarm about--sometime he loves it, sometime he doesn't care about it at all. This might have been a "doesn't care" kind of day...):

This park is often underutilized, but I suppose it's not quite exciting enough for bigger kids. When Dash and I went on Wednesday afternoon (when it was a BEAUTIFUL, perfect day) we were all by ourselves for about 30 minutes, then finally other families stopped in too. By the time we left there were about 7 other kids there, plus their parents. That's a big crowd for that park! We are happy to have this park near us, and hope the city will keep maintaining it. There is a park that is closer to us and is much larger, but it's all open space, no play structures, and no fence. It's lovely, but not great for toddlers.
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