Tuesday, September 22, 2009



I'm happy to report that we've finally found a brand of yogurt that Dashiell likes! We tried many yogurts way back when Dashiell was first eating solids, and again when he first started feeding himself, all to no avail. I think at first it was the texture and temperature that turned him off, then it was the taste--too "yogurty". So finally I decided to try out some new yogurt again--someone had told me that Greek yogurt is much creamier than the regular kind, so I gave it a shot. Nope, Greek yogurt didn't cut it. BUT, then we tried coconut milk yogurt and that, finally, hit the spot (So Delicious brand, raspberry flavored)! I even got a "num-num" from him while he was eating--woo-hoo! I think the winning point came when he realized that not only does it taste good but he can feed himself with a spoon when he eats it! Pretty much anything else he tries to eat with a spoon will fall off before he gets it in his mouth, but yogurt clings--very exciting! Of course there was yogurt covering nearly every inch of him by the time he was done but it's worth finally finding something else that he'll eat for breakfast. I was getting bored feeding him fruit and toast or Cheerios, and he didn't have any interest in the mini-waffles we tried last week (though I personally find them delicious!).


Dashiell has also been sharing his food (not the yogurt, thankfully) with his toys, especially his doggies. He has two stuffed doggies that he LOVES, and now he loves to try to feed them his snacks. The other day we were eating Kix in the living room, and he kept sticking the head of one of the doggies into the bowl of Kix. That's how doggies eat. :) He also tried to feed a grape to an animatronic bear over at his nana and grandpa's house yesterday. Since the bear's mouth actually moves, I'm surprised the grape did not get squished.


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