...or at least that's what he wants you to think!
Our guy has been into EVERYTHING lately! Climbing on the dining room table, trying to hang from an overhead lamp in the living room, grabbing steak knives out of the dishwasher, running up the stairs without us when we accidentally leave the gate open, pulling things down off the kitchen counter and various tall shelves, breaking the door off of the entertainment center...yeah, we've got a toddler on our hands! My favorite is when we tell him he shouldn't do something, and then he does it anyway all while looking at us and saying "no?" This ranges from jumping on chairs to trying to eat the wrong end of a banana (as in, the end that hasn't been peeled yet). He loves to test us! I predict many future battles of wills. :)
Ah...this sounds so much like life in our house right now:)...I thought Rachel was playing on the rug in the foyer the other night...until I heard a door slam upstairs! I guess the gate wasn't completely latched. I ran up to find her standing in the dark in the master bedroom holding her Gymbo clown. She looked at me when I opened the door and said "a ha"...Oh, boy...they keep us on our toes, don't they. Precious sleeping pic of Dash. I love sleeping pics:)...Lori
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