This is what this morning looked like. Actually this picture was taken a few days ago, but it could have easily been this morning. It was a rough one! Started with a 5:30 am hysterical wake-up (he also woke up crying last night at around midnight--ugh!), then after a snuggle in my bed until 6 am it was time for me to get ready for work, so we began our morning. At every turn, Dashiell cried. We went downstairs for breakfast, and he cried because the Christmas tree wasn't lit yet. He cried because he only got to eat half a banana at breakfast. He cried when he got yogurt all over his hands. He cried when he finished his milk. He cried when his Hot Wheels guitar wasn't working because we hadn't turned it on yet. He cried after a few small tumbles, things that he would normally shake off and move on from. He cried when we went upstairs to change his diaper and when I brushed my teeth. He was hysterical when he couldn't get up-close to the bamboo plant at the top of the stairs (it's on the other side of the gate, and I was still getting ready for work and didn't want to leave the stairs un-gated). And when I put on my coat to leave, it was like the world was ending. So I don't know if this is the start of the terrible two's (though he's only 20-months old), or if he's teething (doesn't look like the 2-year molars are coming in yet, but it could be just the beginning...), or maybe he's getting sick. Whatever the problem, I have to admit that I was kind of relieved to be able to get out of the house...without Dashiell...I know it's a horrible thing to say but sometimes a mom needs a little break!
I do feel bad that Rick has to be the one to deal with all the tears today, especially since yesterday was such a lovely day, despite the fact that we were stuck inside. We did crafts and played and watched some Curious George and Dashiell was happy all day long. We had to miss story time at the library, but we did read many books and sing many songs all by ourselves, so we made up for it! Dashiell is a bit obsessed with our Christmas tree and spent much of the day pointing out the various ornaments to me. So here are a couple of happy pictures of my little guy, hanging out with the Christmas tree. I'm a bit bummed that the bottom picture isn't focused on him, but it's cute anyway...
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