Turns out a seal sounds awful. And in Dashiell's case, throws up a lot.

Dashiell just recovered from a bout of croup. It started with a cold last Thursday, and by Friday afternoon I had to take him into the doctor because his cough sounded like a seal barking. That's not a good sound. :( He was given a couple doses of prednisone (steroids) to help keep his airways open, which helped him sleep through the night (mostly), but a bad cough stuck around for quite a few days. Poor little guy! In the meantime, any time he had a coughing fit after eating, my low-gag-reflex kid would throw up...so yeah, it was a fun few days, trying to comfort Dashiell while also cleaning up after him. ***TMI alert*** On Monday, I had just put Dashiell in the bathtub after we finished dinner (Annie's Shells and White Cheddar--aka Mac 'n Cheese), and about 15 seconds after getting in the tub he started gagging and threw up in the water. Then on the bathroom rug, about 3 times. You should know that when Dashiell eats mac 'n cheese, he doesn't really chew it, just shoves it in his mouth and swallows. Which meant that when D threw up, there was, as he put it "Mac 'n cheese everywhere". It wasn't pleasant, but I got him and the bathroom cleaned up and that was the last of the puking for the evening. However, now whenever we're in the bathroom, when he sees the tub, the rug, or the toilet (where I disposed of the mac 'n cheese), he says once again "mac 'n cheese everywhere!" to which I have to assure him that there's no more mac 'n cheese. Then he'll ask, "Clean it up?" and I have to tell him yes, I did clean it up, it's all gone. He seems reassured by this.
Needless to say, we won't be serving Annie's mac 'n cheese anytime in the near future. I'm pretty sure it would bring back bad memories for both of us.

I took a couple of pictures of my sick guy the other day. You can see that he still wants to play, but looks kind of like death warmed over. I'm happy to say that the past 2 days or so the "death warmed over" look has passed, and though his voice is still hoarse and he occasionally still coughs, he's back to his normal, happy (non-pukey) self, for which I'm very, very grateful.
Oh, no! Poor Dash (and Mommy). We went through a very brief bout of this in December for the first time. It happened late at night a few days after Rachel got her H1N1 vaccine. Having no experience with her being sick and with just getting the shot...I was so frightened:(...she only threw up once though and we called the pedi. and took her to the clinic next day. Scary sounding cough though, huh?! Hope all better now! Cute pic in the Cozy Coupe:)...
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