Wednesday, August 25, 2010

So Whatcha Want?

Dashiell has always been a fan of  music--what child isn't?   So I've been trying to compile a list of Dashiell's  favorite songs, and thought I'd share what I've come up with so far:

So Whatcha Want, by the Beastie Boys.  Really, any Beastie Boys song is a hit, but this one always makes him laugh and sing along.  He calls it the "Punk Farm" song, which is the name of a book he loves.  I'd have to guess this is probably his favorite song right now.

Peaches, by the Presidents of the United States of America.   He loves peaches, and therefore loves this song.  Always sings it when he eats peaches.

Uprising, by Muse.  Anytime it comes on the radio he runs over and starts dancing.

Loser, by Beck.  He heard it this weekend and declared, "I like that song!"

Ne-Ne Na-Na Na-Na Nu-Nu, by  Bad  Manners.  Rick often plays it for him and he'll dance around the living room like a crazy man.

Bird is the Word, by the Trashmen.  Another song  he declared to like the other day.  Peter Griffin would be  proud.

Linus and Lucy, by the Vince Guaraldi.  He excitedly calls out "Snoopy!" when he hears it.

Lollipop, by the Chordetttes (I think).  A couple of  girls were singing it on the beach one day, and Dashiell has been singing it ever since.

We are Family, by Sister Sledge.  It was in a birthday card we sent to auntie Lisa, and he thought it  was the funniest thing.   I caught him on video:

Of  course there are kids' songs that  he loves too,  like I'm a Little Teapot,  ABC,  Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Shake your Sillies Out, and something I think is called Bim  Bam Razzamatazzama.  And inexplicably, he asks us to sing You are my Sunshine, then starts to cry during  it.  It  is kind of a sad song, if  you  listen to the whole thing.  He and Rick both like the melancholy tunes.

Quick update on D's sleeping--we laid down the law and decided that  Dash could have no more than 3  books in his crib, and he has to pick out which ones they are.  We had a rough couple of  nights, but have adjusted and have far fewer protests at bedtime now.  The newest challenge?  He's been trying to climb out of his crib.  Hasn't succeeded yet, but we have caught him balancing on the front rail a couple of  times.  So we promised him that he could sleep in a big boy bed after we get back from Minnesota, however until then he'd need to sleep in a crib.  I'm not really looking forward to it, but he's super excited.

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