Friday, November 19, 2010

Santa and Dash x3

We went for our annual early visit to Santa at the mall this week.  We always try to get there before Thanksgiving to avoid the crowds (going after work instead of on the weekends helps, too).  Dashiell walked right up to Santa with no hesitation in the least!  Unfortunately there was a family who needed to retake their photos coming back up the wrong side of the line who got there at the same time, and for some reason they got to go ahead of us!  And despite the fact that they took at least 3 great photos (yes I peeked at them), they weren't happy and took about 15 minutes getting their perfect shot.  Sigh.  So anyway, once it was our turn Dash did just great!  He didn't put on his best smile, but I think he was too busy saying "Christmas!" (instead of "cheese", which he's still opposed to saying).  Before we got there I asked him what he was going to ask Santa for, and he said "presents!"  I think Santa can handle that.

I pulled out the past 2 Santa photos when we got home, and got to feeling super nostalgic.  Above is last year's photo.  Dash didn't really know what to expect.  He did great, until about 1 second after this picture was taken when he teared up and turned into the saddest boy ever to visit Santa.

The first year's photo didn't garner any smile at all. This photo was taken as Santa was playing "pat-a-cake" with Dashiell.  Look how little he was!!  It's amazing how much he's changed in just 2 years, but I suppose he couldn't look like a little baby forever!  And I guess I favor brown as Dashiell's clothing color of choice when it comes to Santa!  Frugal Suzi, always thinking "will he be able to wear this after Christmas" when buying holiday-appropriate dress clothes... :)

We've already been playing lots of Christmas music at our house, and Dashiell is enjoying it just as much as his dad!  He asked me to sing "Santa Baby" when I was making dinner the other night, which I think is too funny.  Of all the songs for a 2 year old to like!  I reread a post from last year about his musical preferences, and back then it was "Jingle Bells" ("jingabell") and "Wonderful Christmastime".  His first Christmas he preferred "Sleigh Ride" (the instrumental version) because of the "horse" at the end.  I was reminding him of this on the way to his grandpa's this morning when that song came on the radio, so he kept neighing after the song was over and cracking himself up.  We've got one funny kid, that's for sure!

1 comment:

Lori/RachelsMommy said...

Oh, these are just too cute! I like that you get it done early. I always put it off. It is fun to see how he has grown!