Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Month and a half of crazy! Part III - Everything else!

Now for the photo dump of everything else!  Just random cute things that have happened lately...

Aurelia discovers a flashlight and knows how to use it!

Friends visit from Missouri!
Dashiell gets cozy...
All the cute kiddos:

Dashiell and Aurelia reading "Another Monster at the End of this Book" on my Kindle:

Fun at the library "Bubble Dance Party"!

Hanging out in the toy bin in the library children's room:

Playing in the sprinklers on a super hot day:
Brought out the new "elephant" sprinkler - Aurelia wasn't sure what to do with it!

D on the first day of swim lessons:

Aurelia and her friend Ella playing during their brothers' swim lessons:

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