Friday, October 4, 2013

Snip snip snip!

A little girl I know was in desperate need of a haircut last weekend.  That mop of hair hanging covering her face was getting to be too much!  Then came the first cold of the season, and - ewwww - hair stuck in snot is just disgusting.  So Saturday morning we headed off to the salon!
Aurelia rockin' the 90's grunge look before her appointment.  
I suggested to Rick that maybe we could dress her in something slightly less 
hand-me-down, since there would be many pictures of the haircutting process taken...

We had three appointments scheduled that morning - Dashiell, Aurelia, and me.  First we had Dashiell's haircut, so Aurelia could see what was going on and not be scared.

So handsome!

Then it was Aurelia's turn.  She wouldn't sit on the chair by herself so I had her sit in my lap.

I had to provide a little assistance while her bangs were being cut, to make sure she wouldn't freak out and move her head too much.

Dashiell helped, too, by holding a mirror for her.

She seems okay with her new bangs!

Until this point:
You should so totally check out this blog entry from when Dashiell got his first haircut.
Same picture, different point in the process...

But once she got her lollipop, she was good as gold!

Aurelia did great at the appointment!  I think her stranger anxiety worked in our favor - she gets very quiet and clingy when she's around people she doesn't know, so she was not at all wiggly or screamy while she was getting her haircut.  Perfect!

No one stuck around to take pictures of my haircut - Rick took the kids home so they wouldn't be completely bored out of their heads - but I did make Rick take a picture of me with my two freshly-snipped kiddos once I got home!

Yes, Aurelia's hair is still hanging in her face, but it's much more manageable now!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

That photo of Aurelia right after her haircut (not the one in tears!)- SO UNBELIEVABLY ADORABLE. love it. :)