Hi there friends and family! After much hemming and hawing I decided it was time to start a blog about--you guessed it--this little guy or gal who will be joining our family in March! At first I was a bit reluctant since I find many blogs to be a little self-absorbed (sorry all of you who are regular bloggers--you know you're the exception to the rule!) and with everything that's going on in my life I didn't think I'd have time to keep up with it. However I've been assured that it takes just about as much time as writing an email, and it's a good way to keep everyone in the loop without clogging their mailboxes with photos. And if I'm being honest with myself, I am a bit self-absorbed so I figured, why not?
Here are the facts: After 2 long years of trying to get pregnant followed by one heartbreaking pregnancy loss last winter, Rick and I are finally ready to tell everyone that we're expecting. Those of you who have seen me in the past 4 or 5 weeks were obviously in on this news (note the photo of Rick and I and my already-big belly, taken last night). I'm almost 18 weeks pregnant (17 weeks and 6 days, but who's counting?), and so far everything has been perfect (knock on wood). We've had ultrasounds and testing that have assured us that the baby's chances for any of the major chromosomal or neural tube defects are extremely low, I've felt pretty great throughout the whole pregnancy, and as mentioned my belly is growing steadily already (I've been told I look like I'm 5-1/2 months pregnancy already--I'd have to agree). The wee one must be healthy with growth like this!
I could write all day, but instead I'll wrap this up so you all don't get completely bored by my first post. I'll try to be good and update regularly. Please feel free to respond--I'd love to hear from everyone!
Much love--
Nice picture, you are totally cute! That baby is definately making his/her presence known.
I am thrilled to see you started a blog. This is wonderful. You and DH are so cute! I love putting faces with names. I will keep checking back on you...you give me hope...you really do.
Dawn (resolve)
Woohoo! We're very excited for you guys - you'll be such great parents. Skyler still talks about you (especially Rick). You ARE getting big fast! Looks good on you, though. :)
Looking forward to watching the progress. Your little one should be almost exactly a year younger than Lucky, our littlest.
Yippee!!! I am so thrilled for the both of you. Liam can't wait to meet him/her.
Richard and I are so excited!!
We will be grandparents---you two will be wonderful parents. I just can't stop smiling :)
Richard and I love you and Rick !
Please take care Love, Jeanne
woo hoo!
looking forward to all sorts of fun posts about juniorjunior, food cravings, belly sizes, maternity pants, giving rick a sonagram (it's only fair, right?), etc......
btw, we should totally do dinner again on some wednesday sometime really soon. let me know when you're free.
Whoo-hoo! Check out the tummy!
Suzi, How is it possible - you and Rick are BOTH glowing!! You look absolutely awesome - wishing you all health and happiness, I just know you are going to be wonderful parents! Many congrats, Kimberly (resolve)
You are looking good
Love you guys
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