Thursday, April 19, 2012

All the pictures I didn't put in the other two posts!

Alright, since I fell so far behind in my posting, this particular post is going to be essentially a photo-dump.  We have been taking tons of pictures, then promptly doing absolutely nothing with them.  My mom is constantly asking me to send her new ones since it takes weeks to upload photos from our camera and phones.  Anyway, here are some of my favorites!  The above photo was taken on Dr. Seuss's birthday - what better way to celebrate than reading  a favorite book while curled up on the living room floor!  I love the expression on Dashiell's face - a bit mischievous, but sweet nonetheless. 

On a sunny March day we headed out to the back yard to play!  Aurelia is way too small for this stroller, but it was easier to put her in that than to wear her in the Bjorn (or Ergo, or Moby - we've got a few carriers to choose from!).   

Dashiell refused to put on sunblock that day (it was really sunny and quite hot out), so instead he decided to cover himself up nearly completely.  Silly boy.

Speaking of our silly boy...

He always keeps us laughing!  Or pulling our hair out in frustration, but even on the frustrating days he manages to get a few giggles out of us.  Nothing like a four-year-old, that's for sure!  Some day I'll get a video of him doing his silly walks - which was something he came up with on his own, without ever having seen Monty Python (that has since been rectified, by the way).

Our little girl is pretty silly, too!  I was trying to get a good picture of her on her 3-month birthday, and instead was only able to get this picture of a small "Stooge".  I'm thinking Curly, but Aunt Lisa says Moe...

Dashiell really does love his little sister!  Especially now that she's becoming a little more interesting and interactive.  She was still pretty small in this first photo, but he really wanted his picture taken with her!

And here he is "helping" her play with her new toy a couple of weeks ago (can I mention how much I love yard sales?  We got this for $1!).  Aurelia did actually enjoy it, despite this "help me!" look she's giving me:

This was the morning of Dashiell's birthday party.  Sweet, right?

Dashiell's been doing some really cool stuff with patterns and colors lately.  This is how he decided to rearrange his Nana's fridge photos:
How cool is that??

Here Mr. D is on an old fire truck during the open house at Chelmsford Fire.  He looks pretty good up there!

And here he is diligently coloring Easter eggs:
This year was pretty successful!  He still doesn't have the patience to let the eggs sit in the dye as long as they probably should, but at least he wasn't dropping the eggs in and splashing everywhere like he's done in years past.  Next year I suspect we'll have plenty of splashing from Ms. Aurelia, though!

Okay, I think we're pretty well caught up!  Whew!  Hope you enjoyed the onslaught of posts today!

1 comment:

Lori/RachelsMommy said...

I love pictures! Enjoyed them all:)...